Depending on the SAP version and release level, we can use function module PFL_CHECK_DIRECTORY to check whether a given SAP directory exists in SAP R/3 system or not.

The details about this function module PFL_CHECK_DIRECTORY can be found using transaction code SE37 or SE80.



As we can see, the various fields are Directory, Write_Check, Filname and Directory_long.


 Parameter  Reference  Length  Default  Optional  Text
 DIRECTORY  BTCH0000-TEXT80  80  X  Name of directory
 WRITE_CHECK  BTCH0000-CHAR1  1  SPACE  X  Write authorization for directory


 Exceptions  Short Text
 PFL_DIR_NOT_EXIST  Directory does not exist
 PFL_PERMISSION_DENIED  No write authorization for directory
 PFL_CANT_BUILD_DATASET_NAME  Temporary file cannot be generated