This post deals with important SAP concepts like SAP Ramp-up phase, 5-1-2 maintenance strategy, SAP GUI and other SAP R/3 basics. SAP Ramp-Up is the standardized process for introducing new SAP solutions to the market through customers who are the early adopters of new SAP solutions. 5-1-2 maintenance strategy defines mainstream and extended maintenance processes.
What is SAP Ramp-up ?
When a new SAP product or a new release of SAP Software is introduced in the market, it is first given to some limited customers of SAP. These customers are called SAP Ramp-up customers since they provide important suggestions during the development of that SAP product.
This phase which the software solution has to go through before getting available in the market is called Ramp-up Phase.
What is 5-1-2 strategy ?
This is maintenance strategy (also called support cycle) for those SAP products which are based on SAP NetWeaver. The strategy is based on two parts: mainstream maintenance and extended maintenance.
The first 5 years of maintenance (for a standard maintenance fee) comes under mainstream maintenance. Customers can extend the maintenance for 1 year (for 2% more maintenance fee) and for another 2 years (for 4% more maintenance fee). These come under extended maintenance.
What is SAP GUI ?
SAP GUI or SAP Graphic User Interface is the presentation interface between user and the SAP System. There are different types of SAP GUI for different platforms. The functionality of all these are similar. The different types of SAP GUI are:
(1) SAP GUI for the Windows environment
(2) SAP GUI for the Java environment
(3) SAP GUI for HTML
Explain about “SAP GUI for Windows” and “SAP GUI for Java”.
SAP GUI for Windows is written in C/C++ and runs in Windows environment. DIAG protocol is used for sending data between presentation layer and application layer for each screen change. SAP GUI for Java is written in Java and is platform independent. It also uses DIAG protocol.
What is the use of saplogon.ini file ?
saplogon.ini file contains the list of SAP systems for which logon process can be started. This default location of this file is “C/Windows” directory if the operating system being used is windows. This file automatically gets updated when a new SAP system is added in SAP Logon pad. While creating a new system entry in SAP Logon pad, certain connection parameters need to be given such as Description of the System, Application Server, System Number and System Id (SID).
Explain the concept of client in SAP System.
A client is an independent accountable entity within R/3 system. It can represent a company or a business unit. It has its own master data and transaction data and user master records (client specific data).
A client is always represented by a three digit number. SAP R/3 comes in built with three standard clients , i.e. 000, 001 and 066. Since a client is always a three digit number, an SAP System can have a maximum of 1000 clients (from 000 to 999). Out of these, a maximum of 997 clients can be customer specific clients and 3 (i.e. 000, 001 and 066) SAP standard clients.
What profile parameter determines the number of sessions a user can open ?
Parameter Rdisp/max_alt_modes determines the number of sessions a user can open. The default value is 6.
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