In this section we will discuss about SECATT – how it can be used for performing mass tasks and hence how it helps in saving a lot of manual effort.

But before SECATT can be applied, it is necessary to check and confirm if the client settings in SCC4 allows for executing this transaction.

This can be checked in tcode SCC4 as shown in the below screen

There are four processes which need to be followed for successful execution of SECATT:

(1) Step 1Recording the tcode execution

For this we use the option “Test Script” option in SECATT tcode as shown in the figure below:

Here we execute the necessary tcode for which we are creating the SECATT script and record the steps which are required for successful execution of the tcode. It is important to note that we should be very careful while executing this process and only those steps should be followed which are necessary. Any mistake can result in wrong recording of the script which may lead to failure of SECATT task which we want to complete.

(2) Step 2Creating the Parameters

During the execution of Step 1, we would have entered certain values for the tcode (e.g. for creation of users through SU01 we would have entered user id, password etc). These values are called VALINS. These need to be changed to Parameter Values during this step (Step 2). We will see how this is done when we start performing the SECATT activity in our later sections where we will show how to create SECATT scripts for various mass tasks.

(3) Step 3Creating Test Configuration

Once Test Script has been created and VALINS have been defined, we need to create “Test Configuration”. The option “Test Configuration” is used for this as shown in the figure below:

(4) Step 4Updating and Uploading the Variant file

Once the Test Configuration is over, a variant file gets created. This file needs to be saved and updated with the new values for the mass creation purpose (e.g. for mass creation of users, this file needs to be updated with list of new user ids, passwords etc.) Once the file is ready, it can be used to perform the mass task.

This discussion was just to give an overview of the steps which we need to perform while executing SECATT. We will see how these are actually performed in our next sections where we will go through various SECATT related activities.

You may want to see Mass User creation using SECATT